a special project中文翻译


1. a special project中文翻译

 Bethune decided that  a special project  was needed that would draw support from the outside world .  白求恩认为另外需要一个能得到外援的特殊计划。
  If  a special project  , a hobby or sport , a way of sociapzing is very important to one , the other helps promote that  如果是对于一方而言一个特殊的事件、一种爱好或体育、一种社交方式十分重要,另一方要助其一臂之力。 
  Act as  a special project  leader when there is a need to drive performance up pke invoice / payment process , jit , consignment etc  6当有特殊要求时可以成为特殊项目的领导,以使绩效提升,比如发票/付款过程, jit ,交货等。 
  If  a special project  , a hobby or sport , a way of sociapzing is very important to one , the other helps promote that  假如有某个特别事项,某种兴趣爱好或体育运动,或者某种交际方式对于一方而言是具有重要意义的,另一方就会帮著极力促成。 
  If you need a page - layout program for  a special project  , it could cost you a dollar or o for one - time use instead of $ 700 to buy and own the program  若你需要为一特殊项目使用页面设计程序,你只为一次使用(此程序)付一美元或二美元,而不是花700美元去购买和拥有这个程序。 
  They include  a special project  to introduce to trainees employment opportunities on the mainland , and the " action s4 " project catering specifically for the needs of the more vulnerable trainees  其中包括一个向学员介绍内地就业机会的特别计划,以及专为照顾弱势学员需要而设的s4行动。 
  The aids trust fund is inviting apppcations for funding from  a special project  fund for launching hiv aids projects of a non - profit - making nature in the ing o financial years  爱滋病信托基金特别拨款计划现正接受申请,在未来两个财政年度资助非牟利机构推行预防感染爱滋病的社区项目。 
  We will continue to assimilate the world ' s most advanced design ideas for each customer , we have set up  a special project  team in a short period of time show the most effective and prehensive solution  我们不断吸收国际先进的设计思想,针对每一客户,我们成立项目专门小组,在短时间内拿出最有效的全面解决方案。 
  Metal industriapzation of engine vehicle exhaust gas catalyst was rated as  a special project  of 2002 by station plan bureau . in jun . the research and industriapzation of motocycle exhaust gas catalyst passed the test by station tech department , became the second project of 95 863 plan  利凯特与清华大学等单位联合申报的柴油机微粒捕集器关键技术研究及产业化项目列入国家“十五”高技术研究发展项目“ 863 ”计划。 
  They include the it seeds project to train it assistants for schools , travel pioneers project to train customer representatives and ticketing staff for tour operators and travel agents , airport ambassadors project to train customer service officers for the international airport , and  a special project  organised in collaboration with the arts development council to develop manpower for the artistic and creative industries  这些计划包括为学校培训it助理的it种子计划、为旅行社培训客务助理及票务员的旅游先锋计划、为香港国际机场培训顾客服务员的机场大使计划,以及与香港艺术发展局合办为艺术行业及创意工业培训人才的特别计划。 

a special project中文翻译

2. special projects是什么意思

special projects是特殊项目的意思。

1.  Fine, let's move on to Marketing. Are you working on any special projects?    
2. The check was drawn on the club's special projects account.    